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Hospital Room Update

So, here we are, about 2 years after we established a need and started fundraising for the hospital room. As of 6 months ago, after a long fundraising period, we put in place a meeting with hospital personnel to talk through our proposal, budget and ideas of how to move the project forward. This seemed like a really positive step forward, with our ideas well received and talks of getting green light confirmation from the necessary people/departments within a matter of a days to a few weeks. Unfortunately, we are 6 months on and still none the wiser as to whether the hospital room will go ahead.

As some of you are aware, the NHS is undergoing some substantial challenges at the moment, on both a national and local scale. St Mary's has not had an exceptionally good times of late, what with top resignations, damming reports and subsequent special measures placed upon the hospital. Clearly, priorities are not with our proposal at the moment, which is totally understandable, but the lack of answers over the last 6 months has led to this update.

Entrusted with safeguarding the money you have raised, I feel it is a necessity to inform you of the progress, or lack thereof, when if comes to the application of the money you have raised. Whilst this may seem like quite a miserable post, I am sure that we will get the answers we will need to best access the way forward soon. However, I am anticipating that the answers we will get might not be the ones we had in the past and may have an impact on the way we move forward. This is a shame, as I know from first hand experience just how needed this project actually is. For 6 months we have been in a financial position to make it happen, but we have hit a brick wall and families are missing out of what could be an amazing additional service.

Fingers crossed for good news soon. Thank you for your support, as always.

Read more about the project here.

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