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Layla's Hospital Bags currently include:

  • power bank phone charger

  • tooth brush and tooth paste

  • deodorant

  • sanitary towels x 2

  • shower gel

  • shampoo and conditioner

  • disposable towels x 2

  • disposable cotton pants

  • shaving cream

  • notepad and pen

  • long life biscuits

  • disposable flip flops

  • sleeping bag

As we are only in the preliminary stages of rolling out the bags and with the changing services within St Mary's, we will not know the demand for the bags until the project is fully established over a long period of time. Estimates from the medical teams suggest as many as 80% of parents/guardians will leave the island without going home and packing a bag first and therefore could potentially be in high demand.

If you have any further suggestions for what should be included, or if you can support the hospital bag project and help us on our mission, then please get in touch as we would dearly love to hear from you. Contact us here..

Keep an eye on our new feeds and blog updates for other shout-outs regarding this project and how you maybe able to help us source other items.

hospital bags | ongoing project

These packs will be available for select family members who find themselves taking an unplanned trip to a mainland hospital overnight.

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